Welcome to The Casperson Collection which features the music of Deanne Casperson. Here you will find free downloadable songs, mp3s, minus tracks and more. Deanne's songs and arrangements have been featured on syndicated television and radio programs as well as in many regional, school, and community events throughout the Intermountain West and in Washington, D.C. at the request of Congressman Simpson for the National Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony. She is an award-winning composer and has successfully collaborated with others on many projects. With the support of her husband, Kerry, her passion for music creation continues to thrive.
Songs of The Casperson Collection
Click on each song title below to print or download as many as you’d like for non-commercial use. All other rights are reserved, including the creation of derivative works.
Casperson Carols
Other Christmas Songs
Songs of Faith & Family
Patriotic, Halloween, School & Princess Party
Collaborations with Grandchildren
Ebenezer Scrooge the Musical
The sheet music to this musical is not a free download, but the .mp3s of the musical are. Script, sheet music, vocal scores, & minus tracks are available at very affordable rates given to community theaters and school music programs. Check out the tab above or the website scroogemusical.com for more information.
Power Chord Piano Method
This piano method book is not offered as a free download. The cost to purchase a downloadable copy is $10.
The 110-page book is a 12-week curriculum written for a high school piano class with the purpose of teaching lead sheets and chords to play with both hands within a matter of weeks. You’ll actually sound like a real piano player too! Check out the Power Chord page to see sample pages, a course overview, and more.
The 110-page book is a 12-week curriculum written for a high school piano class with the purpose of teaching lead sheets and chords to play with both hands within a matter of weeks. You’ll actually sound like a real piano player too! Check out the Power Chord page to see sample pages, a course overview, and more.